Home bathroom hoist

Home bathroom hoist

In cases where more drastic action is required for the installation of a home bathroom hoist, we can offer the renovation service with our colleagues from Adom or by coordinating with other contractors.

New requirements, new solutions

In the vast majority of cases it is not necessary to make any changes in the home, so we should not worry about this aspect, for example, in a simple bed-chair transfer. However, if any action is required (change of doors or of bathroom layout) we can offer you the complete project with our colleagues from ADOM. We can also work in coordination with other trusted contractors of the customer.

If you are buying a new home, give us a call as well, since the view of an expert is required to make the environment optimal and effective for the installation (also in the future) of the ceiling hoist. This is something that is not usually taken into consideration and it is a pity.

Try our hoist

None of these explanations replaces the experience of trying out an Erreka ceiling hoist and therefore we encourage you to contact us and we will tell you how to try it out depending on the region from where you are calling us.

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